
A Parent’s Guide to The Benefits of Private Tutoring in the Post-COVID Era

As we emerge from the challenging aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the education landscape has been profoundly reshaped. Students have faced unprecedented disruptions in their learning, leading to a pressing need for tailored educational support. For parents seeking to provide the best possible education for their children, private tutoring has become an increasingly essential resource. In this guide, we will explore the numerous advantages of private tutoring in the context of the post-COVID era and help parents understand why it is an invaluable tool to help students recover and excel academically.

Gully Andreasen, General Manager of the leading boutique tutoring company Atlas, shares the biggest benefits of private education and what are the signs your kid is struggling at school and needs help.

“Parents contact us daily and ask us how to help their kids achieve better grades. Unfortunately, it is not enough anymoe to just sign them up for Math lessons and hope things will improve. We always highlight how profound the effects of 3 years of online learning are and we try to mitigate these effects together with content.”, says Gully.

What does tutoring in the post-COVID era help with?

  1. Addressing Learning Gaps

One of the most significant impacts of the pandemic has been the learning gaps that students have experienced. With remote learning, intermittent school closures, and varying degrees of disruption, many students have fallen behind in their studies. Private tutoring offers a personalized solution to bridge these gaps. Tutors can identify and target specific areas where students require additional support, helping them catch up and get back on track.

  1. Rebuilding Confidence

The uncertainties of the pandemic have taken a toll on students’ confidence. Many have struggled to adapt to changing learning environments and face-to-face interactions. Private tutoring provides a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where students can rebuild their self-esteem. Tutors can nurture a growth mindset, helping students develop a positive attitude towards learning and their capabilities.

  1. Individualized Learning Plans for Recovery

In the wake of the pandemic, students have varying degrees of recovery needs. Some may need intensive assistance, while others might seek advanced challenges. Private tutors are adept at creating individualized learning plans that cater to each student’s unique requirements. Whether it’s filling in learning gaps or pushing the boundaries of knowledge, these personalized plans are crucial for post-COVID academic success.

  1. Mitigating the Impact of Remote Learning

Remote learning has presented its own set of challenges, with students finding it challenging to engage fully in virtual classrooms. Private tutoring can help students adapt to this new learning environment by providing additional support, clarifying doubts, and maintaining continuity in education.

  1. Strengthening Study Skills

The pandemic has underscored the importance of effective study skills, time management, and self-discipline, all of which are vital in the post-COVID era. Private tutors can help students develop these skills, which are essential not only for immediate academic success but also for future educational pursuits.

  1. Preparation for Post-Pandemic Assessments

The disruptions caused by COVID-19 have also led to changes in assessment formats and requirements. Many students are preparing for standardized tests or facing adjustments in grading criteria. Private tutoring can offer expert guidance to help students adapt to these changes, ensuring that they are well-prepared for the evolving academic landscape.

Gully reiterates: “Recognizing when your child might benefit from tutoring is crucial for their academic success and overall development. At Atlas, we always recommend at least 1 hour lesson per week as an opportunity for kids to keep up with school work and gain momentum.” Here are the top five signs that indicate your child may need tutoring:

  1. Consistently Low Grades

    If your child is consistently receiving below-average grades, despite their efforts and your support, it may be a sign that they’re struggling with certain subjects. Tutoring can help them catch up and bridge their knowledge gaps.
  2. Loss of Interest in Learning

    A sudden or gradual loss of interest in learning or attending school can be an indication that your child is finding it challenging to keep up with the curriculum. This disinterest may manifest as reluctance to do homework, frequent complaints about school, or avoidance of studying.
  3. Lack of Confidence

    If your child expresses a lack of confidence in their academic abilities or constantly doubts themselves, it’s time to consider tutoring. A drop in self-esteem related to schoolwork can be a red flag that they need additional support.
  4. Inconsistent Performance

    Inconsistent performance, where your child performs well in some subjects but struggles with others, can be a sign of learning gaps. Tutoring can help identify and address the specific areas where they need assistance.
  5. Frustration and Stress

    Excessive frustration, stress, or anxiety about schoolwork, exams, or assignments can be an emotional indicator that your child needs help. If they often express feelings of being overwhelmed or if you notice a significant increase in stress-related behaviors, such as mood swings or sleep disturbances, tutoring may provide the necessary relief.

If you notice several of these signs in your child, it might be time to consider professional tutoring to give them the individualized help they require to succeed in their studies.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, private tutoring emerges as a beacon of hope for students striving to recover and excel in their education. Addressing learning gaps, rebuilding confidence, and offering individualized learning plans are just a few of the vital benefits that private tutoring provides like Atlas. By investing in this invaluable resource, parents can help their children navigate the post-COVID educational landscape with greater resilience and success. Private tutoring not only supports academic recovery but also sets students on a path to long-term educational achievement and personal growth. Embrace the power of private tutoring and watch your child thrive in the post-COVID era.